Changing the world... one post at a time!!
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Top 10 Moments of 2024 (and, as always, honorable mentions)
Monday, January 01, 2024
Top 10 Moments of 2023 (and, as always, honorable mentions)
Honorable Mentions:
Top 10 Moments of 2023:
10) Unplanned Moments (I have no clue where to start with this note but as I reflected above... so much of this year was unplanned and simply trying to figure out if this was the life we always wanted. As mentioned, though minimal "big moments" took place, the daily unplanned miracles in the mundane abound. God is so good!).Sunday, January 01, 2023
Top 10 Moments of 2022 (and, as always, honorable mentions)
It's only 3 days after the new year and we're back. That is significantly better than last year's post which was 8 MONTHS late! All in all, this might be the only tradition I'm keeping up with these days. That's not to say cool things aren't happening, I'm just saying 2022 was a big year of introspection, re-evaluating everything in my life and then trust Him with one step at a time (versus my usual 5-10 year plan :)).
It's funny how looking through pictures brings back so many memories you forget about, even if it's only been a few months. Our day-to-day lives are so powerful in building and shaping our attitude yet we often only remember the mountain tops or valleys.
I'm excited about this years top 10 moments and as a reminder, these aren't just the highlights, these are the moments that shaped the year!
P.S. And as always... the previous years of these are linked at the bottom.
Honorable Mentions:9) Dallas Cowboys (12 years of Dad having season tickets and I still love every minute of it... I'm hoping by this time next year I will get to show you pictures of a Super Bowl win and thus, a much higher on the list Dallas Cowboys representation! #WeDemBoyz).
7) Working Out (It's been a rough year emotionally and physically, thus the weight has been a struggle all year. At times this year, I was nurturing a couple solid injuries, work was very stressful or I just flat out couldn't get my daily disciplines together as a result of depression and anxiety. Miles of rucking, hours of Workouts and endless Hot Tub/Cold Plunges later... we're back on track)
6) Kids' Sports (This has again made the top ten list and rightfully so... So much of our time is spent coaching practices, watching practices, cheering them on at games, working out in the off-season and discussing the highs and lows of competition. We wouldn't want it any other way... Football, Volleyball & Soccer still rule (Club Volleyball has begun for both girls this year))
5) Teen Dating (Now this is one I knew was coming but was still not ready to post about... I struggled deciding what picture to use as there's a few choice ones, some of them are not my story to tell and others are not what it's all about. The below picture shares a win but I promise it hasn't been all butter-flys and rainbows. God is good and faithful!)
2) Family Roadtrips (So at the close of 2022 we have now been to 37 states as a family and essentially have it nailed down to four trips remaining (NE this summer, NW next spring break and then Hawaii and Alaska as senior trips for the bigs). This year's trip ended up being the longest roadtrip yet: Packer Nation in Wisconsin, U'ppers in Michigan, Mall of America & a family friend's lake house in Minnesota, "the wood chipper" in Fargo, ND, the Corn Palace in SD, Lake Okoboji in Iowa and Creighton Univ & the Zoo in Nebraska).
Saturday, January 01, 2022
Top 10 Moments of 2021 (and, as always, honorable mentions)
Today is June 18th, 2022 and given that it took me til September to do last years, I'm doing better!! :)
As always, this is to document key events and moments of the previous year... Not all great or life changing, but moments in time that are important to remember. The one thing I continue to be reminded of when making these is how good life truly is, like the fact, that it's hard to narrow down a top ten is something to hang my hat on. The statement is so true: "the days are long but the years are quick!" No matter how bad or sad I feel in the moment, may I keep moving forward and making the most of it as tomorrow and next year I will look back with fond memories!
P.S. As always... the previous TEN years of these are linked at the bottom.
Honorable Mentions:Friday, January 01, 2021
Top 10 Moments of 2020 (and, as always, honorable mentions)
Today is Sept. 5th 2021, but I am going to back date this post to Jan. 1st... That pretty much sums up the past 18 months, huh!! 2020 was a whirlwind of crazy, crazier and massive life change... As always, we keep moving forward and looking for ways to be the Spark for ourselves, our family and the world!
P.S. This marks the 10th entry into my 'Top 10 moments of the year,' absolutely insane, by the literal definition to look back at everything that has happened in ten years. If you want to see those previous years, scroll all the way to the bottom for the links.
Honorable Mentions:Saturday, February 01, 2020
The DDW List
DDW (Don't Die Wondering):
- *Happily Married (Be a Great Dad) *So far so good :)
- Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Drive Route 66 (Chicago to LA)
- Become an honorary Spartan
- Own a bald eagle
- Meet a president
- Save a life
- Ride a Bull
- Sky Diving
- Hot Air Balloon ride
Wednesday, January 01, 2020
Top 10 Moments of 2019 (and, as always, honorable mentions)
Honorable Mentions:*) SpartanX Leadership and Spartan Race (As I closed 2018, I sold Spartan Code, LLC to Spartan Race, LLC which led to a lot of crazy like SpartanX Leadership and watching a dozen Walmartians run the Spartan)!!
Tuesday, January 01, 2019
Top 10 Moments of 2018 (and, as always, honorable mentions)
However, before I get into this coming year and everything I have in store... Let's take a moment for my annual look back through the top 10 moments of 2018. **Also, if you are curious about the previous years, all the links are at the bottom!
Honorable Mentions:
*) Shareholders (My first real trip to see Walmart at that next level... It was so fun and ultimately set the tone for what all was going to take place the rest of the year)!!