Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Who doesn't like treats?

My morning started like a lot of mornings recently… A mixture of early alarm clocks, cranky kiddos and a couple moments to catch up on correspondence.  Because of the "hustle and bustle" of morning prep and deadlines it's hard to take the time for a good morning meal but instead a quick breakfast bar running out the door.  Can you relate?  If you don't relate, give us a break, we're a bunch of night owls trying to accommodate the rest of you morning folks!!

But literally this morning (like minutes ago) I walked into the kitchen to see this:

Me: "Charleigh why are you giving Carly a treat?"
Charleigh: "Because she likes them"
Me: "Baby, we can't give her a treat just because she likes them"
Charleigh: "Why not?"
Me: "Because she can't always have treats, she needs something more nutritious"
Charleigh: "What's 'new-trish-ish'?"
Me: "Something more than just a treat" (Yes, I should have done a better job here)
Charleigh: "So two treats?"
Me: "We're late for school…"

As we left for school I realized how often I have been blowing it.  Not just with breakfast, that's the obvious, but spending time with God.  Lately I have been lucky to just get up and get everyone out the door without dying, if we're on-time God provided another miracle.  Typically I wake-up and take a moment and expect a "treat" from God.  I open my e-mails and read my devotional verse from Operation World or YouVersion all the while thinking this is enough to get me through my day.  And to be honest, it has!  Or at least I'm still alive this wednesday morning.  But what would it look like if I had taken the time to actually get a 'new-trish-ish' meal from His Word and not just a treat?  How much better would I have been to approach my cranky kiddos, the "bad drivers" while taking the kids to school, even in my responses via e-mails & texts (not even mentioning that they could ultimately wait until the kids are off)?

My hope this morning wasn't to judge or call you out… Hopefully encourage you with a little life lesson (Faith Moment) Jesus blessed me with this morning through my little girl (and dog)!!

This is what I read shortly there after (take some time and read the whole chapter for a more nutritious meal Proverbs 2 (verses 1-6) says: "My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, listening closely to wisdom and directing your heart to understanding; furthermore, if you call out to insight and lift your voice to understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it like hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.  For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding."

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