Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Benny Hinn Spoof

Yeah, its kind of depressing that this goes on... From my vantage point it seems extremely crazy, not because God can't heal people (because He does and is) but because I don't think He would use Benny Hinn!!

See also: "The Many Faces of Benny Hinn" videos on youtube or go buy the movie: http://www.pfo.org/mfbh-dvd.htm

See also: this months issue of World Magazine about how they are now setting up ATM machines outside the "revivals" for easier access during their 30 minute offering time... Are YOU kidding me??!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's TWO FUNNY new for 2012 spoofs/parodiesof Benny Hinn...one is just plain silly and the other is more of an expose'

