Tuesday, March 04, 2008

This evening was interesting... I was cleaning up in the kitchen (because my wife made another wonderful meal for the family... And in this house, if you cook you don't have to clean) and the kids and Court were playing in the living room!! I was minding my own business (i.e. cleaning plates off and putting them in the dishwasher... yeah, washing a plate so it can then sit in the dishwasher and get yet another washing, interesting but that's not the event) when all of the sudden crying come from the living room area!! As I peered around the corner I see Jackson getting helped up by mom and he again climbs back onto the toy that just hurt him... At first reaction I thought, "adda-boy for getting back on the horse", but before I could finish my thought, off he fell once again onto his head and crying!! Yes, hurt once, an accident...hurt twice, ummm think dude!! But no just then mom helps him up and says "buddy be careful" to which he yet again starts climbing up only to fall and hurt himself... Court's response, (catch this...I'm closing with this...stay with me) "Well, buddy why do you keep doing it if your hurting yourself!!"

Huh... This is a perfect picture of seeing what God sees everyday!! We get up to start the day, we sin against God (whether that's lying, cheating, being selfish to our family, lusting after other people or things, and even acting out on our thoughts that are unholy) all the while He is looking at us going, "buddy, why do you keep doing things that hurt yourself!!" All the while He continues to watch us closely, waiting for a request for help, or even anticipating the pain we will go through so He can help us back up onto our feet...

May you be challenged today to love God and love others...
And may you see the actions that are hurting you each day, and ask God for help before the pain sets in!!


Courtney said...

love you. great insight

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff.
Your thoughts are incredible and they make me happy.

Courtney said...

Hi Adriann...way to go!

Anonymous said...

I honestly believe God places people in your life at certain moments in order to speak to you through them. Thanks for this post! I couldn't have read it at a better time.

Marci said...

Good insight!